IPR: Drafting,Interpretation of Patent Specifications and Claims 

This book guides the drafting of patent applications from a practical perspective an gives all knowhow required to with a patent. Intended as an introductory text, it covers the entire process of drafting of a patent application and includes many helpful examples or case studies, illustrating the process from start to finish. This book also includes papers on working of patents in India which will give an idea to patentee to how to keep his patent alive. Looking to the increasing awareness among the inventors, investors and scientists and the increasing cost of patent attorneys, editors tried to publish a book containing papers from patent attorneys, scientists and innovators with practical case studies.

Published date
: Apr 06, 2021
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: 183

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IPR: Drafting,Interpretation of Patent Specifications and Claims 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
This book guides the drafting of patent applications from a practical perspective an gives all knowhow required to with a patent. Intended as an introductory text, it covers the entire process of drafting of a patent application and includes many helpful examples or case studies, illustrating the process from start to finish. This book also includes papers on working of patents in India which will give an idea to patentee to how to keep his patent alive. Looking to the increasing awareness among the inventors, investors and scientists and the increasing cost of patent attorneys, editors tried to publish a book containing papers from patent attorneys, scientists and innovators with practical case studies. 
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