Start-up Thailand: The Entrepreneurs' Journey 

This book is intended to showcase some of Thailand's most vibrant start-ups. It contains a series of stories about these first-generation entrepreneurs and their commercial journeys. The book is intended to serve as both an inspiration and a source of insights for would be entrepreneurs and potential Thailand investors. Each story covers the initial start-up plan, the steps taken by the entrepreneurs and the twists and turns they faced in their journey.

Published date
: Apr 06, 2021
: -
: 183

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MARC Information
245 a : Title 
Start-up Thailand: The Entrepreneurs' Journey 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
This book is intended to showcase some of Thailand's most vibrant start-ups. It contains a series of stories about these first-generation entrepreneurs and their commercial journeys. The book is intended to serve as both an inspiration and a source of insights for would be entrepreneurs and potential Thailand investors. Each story covers the initial start-up plan, the steps taken by the entrepreneurs and the twists and turns they faced in their journey. 
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