Brand Success 

Brand success = business success. A simple equation, but identifying those winning qualities is not easy. To achieve this goal, author Matt Haig applies a range of criteria including financial success, longevity, technological advancement, new product development, work place revolution and mass communication. The result is a comprehensive, entertaining and illuminating collection. From Adidas to Zippo, we're guided through a gallery of some of the world's best-known names and given a rare insight into the secret of their success. With comments from brand managers, psychologists, academics and other experts, Brand Success is a great resource for brand managers, marketers and students. For the rest of us, it's simply a great read.

Published date
: May 11, 2017
: Asiabook
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Brand Success 
520 a : Description 
Brand success = business success. A simple equation, but identifying those winning qualities is not easy. To achieve this goal, author Matt Haig applies a range of criteria including financial success, longevity, technological advancement, new product development, work place revolution and mass communication. The result is a comprehensive, entertaining and illuminating collection. From Adidas to Zippo, we're guided through a gallery of some of the world's best-known names and given a rare insight into the secret of their success. With comments from brand managers, psychologists, academics and other experts, Brand Success is a great resource for brand managers, marketers and students. For the rest of us, it's simply a great read. 
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