Business Innovation For Dummies 

Success in business demands constant creativity. Generating fresh solutions to problems and the ability to invent new products or services for a changing market are part of the intellectual capital that gives a company its competitive edge. Business Innovation For Dummies gives you practical, easy-to-follow information for generating new ideas, using creativity to boost sales, solving problems creatively, mastering the art of invention, honing creative thinking skills, and identifying new opportunities.

Published date
: May 11, 2017
: Asiabook
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Business Innovation For Dummies 
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Success in business demands constant creativity. Generating fresh solutions to problems and the ability to invent new products or services for a changing market are part of the intellectual capital that gives a company its competitive edge. Business Innovation For Dummies gives you practical, easy-to-follow information for generating new ideas, using creativity to boost sales, solving problems creatively, mastering the art of invention, honing creative thinking skills, and identifying new opportunities. 
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