How to Prepare For and Pass the Real Estate Licensing Exam 

McGraw-Hill brings together three of the top professionals in real estate education and licensing to prepare you for the all-important licensing exam. How to Prepare for and Pass the Real Estate Licensing Exam helps you determine just whether you're cut out to sell houses. Whether you decide you're a better fit as an agent or a broker, these practice tests, internet resources, glossaries, and sample forms arm you with the tools to earn a top score on the test, and put your best foot forward as you start your new career.

Published date
: May 11, 2017
: Asiabook
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How to Prepare For and Pass the Real Estate Licensing Exam 
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McGraw-Hill brings together three of the top professionals in real estate education and licensing to prepare you for the all-important licensing exam. How to Prepare for and Pass the Real Estate Licensing Exam helps you determine just whether you're cut out to sell houses. Whether you decide you're a better fit as an agent or a broker, these practice tests, internet resources, glossaries, and sample forms arm you with the tools to earn a top score on the test, and put your best foot forward as you start your new career. 
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