Intellectual Property Assets in Mergers and Acquisitions 

In mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property assets can be especially difficult to accurately value, most notably in rapidly evolving high-tech industries. Understanding the factors that create value in intellectual property assets, and the part such assets play in both domestic and international mergers, is vitally important to anyone involved in the merger and acquisition process. This book provides an overview of the intellectual property landscape in mergers and acquisitions and thoroughly covers important topics from financial and accounting concerns to due diligence and transfer issues. Bringing together some of the leading economists, valuation experts, lawyers, and accountants in the area of intellectual property, this helpful guide acts as an advisor to business professionals and their counsel who need answers for intellectual property questions. The valuation methods presented here are simple and don't require a background in finance. Whether you're a manager or executive, an accountant or an appraiser, Intellectual Property Assets in Mergers and Acquisitions offers all the expert help you need to better understand the issues and the risks in intellectual property assets in mergers and acquisitions.

Published date
: May 11, 2017
: Asiabook
: 456

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245 a : Title 
Intellectual Property Assets in Mergers and Acquisitions 
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520 a : Description 
In mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property assets can be especially difficult to accurately value, most notably in rapidly evolving high-tech industries. Understanding the factors that create value in intellectual property assets, and the part such assets play in both domestic and international mergers, is vitally important to anyone involved in the merger and acquisition process. This book provides an overview of the intellectual property landscape in mergers and acquisitions and thoroughly covers important topics from financial and accounting concerns to due diligence and transfer issues. Bringing together some of the leading economists, valuation experts, lawyers, and accountants in the area of intellectual property, this helpful guide acts as an advisor to business professionals and their counsel who need answers for intellectual property questions. The valuation methods presented here are simple and don't require a background in finance. Whether you're a manager or executive, an accountant or an appraiser, Intellectual Property Assets in Mergers and Acquisitions offers all the expert help you need to better understand the issues and the risks in intellectual property assets in mergers and acquisitions. 
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