Scientific Freedom An Anthology on Freedom of Scientific Research 

Scientific Freedom is the first comprehensive collection covering both the state of scientific progress and the ethics, law and history of scientific research. The book gives readers a fascinating range of perspectives on matters of scientific research that directly affect all of us. Examining the ethical, legal, social, economic and political issues surrounding freedom of scientific research, the book evaluates ways in which national and international policies can impact upon individuals' access to potentially life-saving treatment, cures and technologies, and can therefore affect human life and death. With contributions from Nobel Laureates, representatives of patients' associations, scientists, scholars and politicians, this book provides a concise and comprehensive view of the limitations and dangers facing the future of innovation and scientific progress.

Published date
: Apr 29, 2014
: -
: 232


MARC Information
020 a : ISBN 
100 a : Author 
245 a : Title 
Scientific Freedom An Anthology on Freedom of Scientific Research 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
Scientific Freedom is the first comprehensive collection covering both the state of scientific progress and the ethics, law and history of scientific research. The book gives readers a fascinating range of perspectives on matters of scientific research that directly affect all of us. Examining the ethical, legal, social, economic and political issues surrounding freedom of scientific research, the book evaluates ways in which national and international policies can impact upon individuals' access to potentially life-saving treatment, cures and technologies, and can therefore affect human life and death. With contributions from Nobel Laureates, representatives of patients' associations, scientists, scholars and politicians, this book provides a concise and comprehensive view of the limitations and dangers facing the future of innovation and scientific progress. 
650 a : Subject 
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