Intellectual Property Rights and Emerging Technology 

3D printing poses many challenges to the traditional law of intellectual property (IP). This book develops a technical method to help overcome some of these legal challenges and difficulties. This is a collection of materials from empirical interviews, workshops and publications that have been carried out in one of the world's leading research projects into the legal impact of 3D printing. The project was designed to establish what legal challenges 3D printing companies thought they faced, and having done that, to establish a technical framework for a solution.

Published date
: Aug 06, 2018
: -
: 217


MARC Information
020 a : ISBN 
245 a : Title 
Intellectual Property Rights and Emerging Technology 
260 c : Date of publication 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
3D printing poses many challenges to the traditional law of intellectual property (IP). This book develops a technical method to help overcome some of these legal challenges and difficulties. This is a collection of materials from empirical interviews, workshops and publications that have been carried out in one of the world's leading research projects into the legal impact of 3D printing. The project was designed to establish what legal challenges 3D printing companies thought they faced, and having done that, to establish a technical framework for a solution. 
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